Strategy: CX Drivers
CX Drivers
Monitor The Moments that Matter
Monitoring the metrics that drive negative and positive experiences is key to maintaining a healthy customer experience.
Understanding the overall health of your customer experience goes beyond monitoring NPS scores. A single survey that is published once or twice a year does not paint a true picture of customer satisfaction. It is a first step on the journey to understanding the perceptions of your customers.
How does it work?
To truly understand what you are doing well and what you are doing wrong requires deeper analysis. We need to identify the moments that matter. The moments where an interaction or experience turned a promoter into a detractor and vice versa. These specific moments are often lost in customer support call notes or transcripts from a sales team call. Emails and calls with Account Executives can also miss the exact moment that may have resulted in negative or positive feedback.
Moments that LOWER customer satisfaction
- outages
- slow response
- Unanswered Inquiry
- No Access
- Confusing Navigation
- Poor data quality
Moments that RAISE customer satisfaction
- Always available
- Fast service
- Prompt response
- Secure Transaction
- Quality Data
- Intuitive Navigation
- Helpful Training
Once we can identify how we are performing in those moments we can start to build a strategy and roadmap for enhancement or correction.
- How long does it take to resolve a customer’s request?
- How many outages did we experience this month?
- How many times have we spoken to this customer this year?
These are important questions that help explain a why a customer is dissatisfied with our service. However they are often difficult to identify call transcripts or notes. As a result we need to create methods to monitor these moments.
This type of reporting is called a CX Driver index. We can plug into many organizational resources and pull this together into a single report. Once that is matured we can add analytics to identify when certain thresholds are met that will alert us to satisfactory performance.
Key Take Away
Common data sources:
- Salesforce
- Behavior Analytics
- Onboarding and Training Modules
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